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Students with Hard Questions

June 19, 2015

When doing evangelism on campus and asking about their church experience it is not uncommon to have a student say something like this, “I was going to church, but when I started asking questions they didn’t want me there anymore.”  This always puzzled me because I can’t imagine this type of response to a teenager in my church or churches I am familiar with. Questions are important.  I think more often their questions or comments were not responded to in a helpful way, or they just assume that if they had questions that they would begin to be treated differently.

Reading through any of the Gospels one notes an amazing number of questions.  Jesus is continually giving thoughtful answers to hard questions.  Whether a question was intended to trap or revealed ignorance, Jesus engaged with wisdom and clarity.  At Cedar Campus northern students took the week long track called, “Truth that Works, Truth that Heals.”  The seven students learned about how to engage with skeptical students in a pastoral way and saw how the Gospel intersects with questions they or their friends have.  They had time to research and find answers to questions that we may wish to avoid in conversations.  However, the campus and our churches are full of people wondering about God’s goodness in the midst of suffering, wondering if we are produced out of random events of nature, or how Jesus can be the exclusive way to God.  Out of this week, one of the students, Brad, has decided to lead a small group this next year that focuses on these types of questions.  One idea for the group is to spend a week in a key Bible chapter, the next week or two in research, and an additional week in sharing the truth on campus in some way.  We will also be inviting some non-Christian students who have hard questions to join this group if it interests them.

Please pray for Brad as he prepares for this fall and his small group.  Brad is finishing up a math degree as well as working next school year, so his time is at a premium.  Don’t be shocked or disappointed when asked a hard question!   Instead take note of Jesus.  Pray for words of grace, wisdom and truth.  Also, read a helpful book!

cover design, Faith is Like Skydiving, Rick Mattson

Rick Mattson shares images he finds useful in talking to those skeptical of Christian Faith

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