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Training Disciplemakers

November 4, 2012

Our region of InterVarsity is called “Lakes and Plains.”  We are made up of universities and colleges in Wisconsin, the upper peninsula of Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.   This weekend I was in Green Lake, WI at the fall conference that serves most of the schools in Wisconsin.  I directed a track called, The Art of Spiritual Mentoring.  We had 3 other staff and 7 volunteers so the 63 students each had a table leader to help with discussions.  Although I have helped with this track at least a dozen times I still enjoy it very much.  The students are there to learn how to better mentor or disciple younger students.  We cover the do’s and don’ts, how to use scripture, how to model things, how to encourage, etc.  We begin the weekend with an extended time in 1 Thessalonians 2 and soak in the example of Paul who truly loved and cared for the Thessalonians.  We use this passage to help students capture a vision for the  heart of a mentor.  We also use the warning in Ezekiel against bad shepherding and Jesus’ teachings about shepherding.  Students go away from our time with lots of tools and encouragement to make an impact in the lives of those around them.  I am particularly excited at the reality that these young students most likely have another 50 to 70 years of life ahead of them to be an influence for God in the lives around them.  Here are some of the responses and prayers shared by students at the end of the weekend:

“God, give me the courage and time to pour into someone else’s life like [friends name], and others have into mine.” UW-Whitewater student

“God met me at a point where others weren’t on my heart and put them on my heart.” Carthage student

“God met me by laying on my heart specific people to mentor and how I can use specific gifts He has given me.” UW-Madison student

“I will no longer simply be a Christian consumer, but pass on what God shows me.”– Carroll College student

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